Welcome to Reiseworld!!! You are now in the movement!!!

Great Jerry "The King" Lawler Quotes!   

                 Click ----->HERE<--------                  


Reiseworld...........good choice bitch!


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Here are quotes from a great man!! (I hate Millen!)

The Millen Quotes!!!!



Happy Birthday Matthew.....



Every picture I have of Matthew is him facing the other way..So I put up a picture of Koko B Ware.


He Turns 17 Years old Today..........

All of you Reiseworld fans know him as Matt V1.1......

Only one more year before you can go to Canada and Drink.....


Reiseworld is constantly changing.......

I have decided to make weekly changes on this website. I have set a day for the site to change so you know when to come back on for all the Reiseworld goodness.

The site will be updated every Tuesday before 3:00 PM



I think we have two big wrestling fans to help out with the wrestling column. 

Here is the first column....... enjoy!!


Here are my thoughts on everybody's favorite underdog

The Detroit Lions

I still love Mama jokes. 

Here are some of mine I have compiled over the years


So you wanna know how to Tweak your PC to run faster?

HERE is some easy steps to help you out.


IF you get lucky and are online the same time I am

My FTP site has come cool stuff on it!

webmaster's email for any ideas or complaints!